When I emerged from the Ballroom, I was again approached by the board members and they said (or drafted me) as the new Mac Special Interest Group Leader(SIG). It went on for a hour and a half with a Q&A at the end. As a Teacher crowds never bothered me so I entered the room and started the seminar. So I said yes and enter a ballroom filled with over 150 people. One day a guest speaker did not show up and the board members asked me to do a presentation on MacGames. At the meetings I was very gung ho about MacGames. Then I joined the Apple Area User Group (HAAUG) to learn more about the Mac and that is when my passion for Mac began to take on a life of its own. I got it initially to use in the classroom to type notes in MacWord and using PowerPoint to do grades. This the what you may call part one and is the first time I ever blogged before. This blog covers a long history in my life from 1984 to now in how the Macintosh Computer made me grow as a User, IT, Special Interest Group (SIG) Presenter, Professional Writer and more.